Thursday, October 16, 2008

Peace Corps Kenya

Welcome to my blog. I have created this space in an attempt to share my thoughts and feelings while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Although I do anticipate internet access from time to time I am sure it will not be frequent, so I hope to use this as my main avenue for communication. I invite everyone to participate in this adventure with me, I would love to hear your thoughts on what I write and what is going on in your life as well.

The Peace Corps has always held a place in my heart and as a second generation Peace Corps Volunteer I feel incredibly humbled by the opportunity to serve. My assignment is in Kenya, located in East Africa. In 25 days I will leave to serve as a Deaf Educator/Behavior Change Communicator I will be returning sometime in 2011.

My assignment is to work with deaf Kenyan students, youth, and adults to create an environment where they can function productively and independently as possible in their communities and families.
Goals include developing techniques to expand their knowledge on the Kenyan curriculum. Finding inventive and creative ways to educate the Deaf community about HIV/AIDS, and to collaborate with the community to establish support system, share educational resources including the a wider dissemination of resources about HIV/AIDS.

Being abroad before has provided with me with some insight into living abroad-- although I do not presume to know fully what 27 months away is like. Things I do know for sure are the smallest thoughts and gestures can bring worlds closer and the importance of an open mind and heart. Lastly I would like everyone to know that every time I am away I think about everyone at home, and that although I am not directly involved in your everyday life, I hope that I am able to remain apart of your lives.

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